
Gartner Peer Insights Labyrinth the First Finalists for the ECSO CISO Choice Award 2025

Imagine you’re the CISO of a large enterprise, constantly battling the evolving landscape of cyber threats. One day, you receive an alert: an attacker has breached your network. But instead of panic, you feel a sense of calm. Why? Because you’ve implemented a sophisticated cyber deception strategy.

Months ago, you decided to deploy a network of honeypots and decoys—fake systems designed to lure attackers away from your real assets. These decoys are so convincing that even the most seasoned cybercriminals can’t tell the difference. When the attacker breaches your network, they think they’ve hit the jackpot, but in reality, they’ve walked straight into a trap.

As the attacker interacts with these decoys, your security team monitors every move. They gather invaluable intelligence on the attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures. This real-time data not only helps you understand the current threat but also prepares you for future attacks.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Your deception technology has created a zero-activity baseline, meaning any interaction with a decoy triggers an immediate alert. This reduces false positives and ensures that your team can respond swiftly to genuine threats.

One day, you notice unusual activity on a decoy server mimicking an IoT device. The attacker is attempting lateral movement, trying to navigate through your network to reach more valuable targets. Thanks to your deception strategy, you detect this activity early and take action to isolate the threat before any real damage is done.

Your cyber deception tools are versatile and scalable, protecting not just your traditional IT infrastructure but also your cloud environments and industrial control systems. You’ve even set up fake cloud instances and services to lure attackers away from your real assets, gaining insights into cloud-specific attack vectors.

Then, a ransomware attack hits. But instead of encrypting your critical data, the ransomware targets a decoy. Your team detects the malicious activity early, preventing data encryption and exfiltration. The attacker leaves empty-handed, and your real assets remain untouched.

Through this journey, you’ve turned cyber deception from a theoretical concept into a practical, everyday defense mechanism. It’s not just about tricking the attackers; it’s about staying one step ahead, gathering intelligence, and fortifying your defenses.

In today’s cyber landscape, deception isn’t just a tool—it’s a necessity. And as you look at the alert on your screen, you know that your proactive approach has made all the difference.

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